Shield of Faith Assembly of God
Missions Involvement
Go ye therefore into all the world and make disciples of all nations…

Missions is the heartbeat of God and ever since the fall of man in the Garden, missions has been on God’s mind. At Shield of Faith we firmly believe that everyone, regardless of gifts, talents and abilities, is called to be a missionary. And the missions field? It’s everywhere and anywhere you are. We believe that the greatness of a church should not be measured by its seating capacity but rather by its sending capacity. A great church is a church that is concerned with the spiritual condition and eternal destiny of souls. As such Shield of Faith strives to fulfill the Great Commission by taking advantage of every resource available towards reaching lost souls.

Currently, we support missionaries far and wide. From chaplains to rodeo cowboys, teachers to urban ministries, Shield of Faith is invested in reaching all people, from all walks of life to ensure that they get the wonderful opportunity to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour.

Missionaries We Support

Duane and Janet Gryder (HBMM)   Mike & Anita James (Netherlands)   Don & Cindy Jeter (Global University)

Vikki Boyd    Chris Coffyn (Wycliff)  Jennifer Day   Erin Dutton (Senegal)   Kyle Embry (Youth Alive)   Amy Farley

Wilson Gauntt (Global University)   Norman Knoodle   John Lungu   Sheree Moon   Brent Neely   Kenneth Pryor

Sharon Reeves   Shane Van Meter   Brandy Wilson   Stephen & Jane Deal (Chi Alpha)   Speed the Light   BGMC

 Chris & Michelle Neal (Northern Asia Northwest)   Dallas Teen Life Challenge (Dallas, TX)

Michael Randolph (Rodeo Ministries)   Kelly Brown (Chi Alpha)   Girls Ministries    Pleasant Hills Children’s Home